The Arduino Playground Site of the Extended Database Library states that : „With these changes, it is now possible to use this library in conjunction with the standard Arduino EEPROM library, an external EEPROM such as the AT24C1024, providing 128 – 512 kilobytes of non-volatile storage, or any other platform that supports byte level reading and writing such as an SD card.“
But unfortunately I didn’t find any example in the internet that shows how to use the library with an SD Card. In the following is my version of the supplied EDB_Simple using an SD Card instead of the build-in EEPROM. For learning how to connect an SD Card Writer/Reader to an Arduino there are a lot of examples around. My Example is for an Arduino UNO with a cheap SD module hardwired to PIN 10 (Those modules do not work on the newer Arduinos). Important are the reader and writer functions and that you have to create a file and use the seek() method.
PLEASE NOTE! BEGINNING WITH ARDUINO 1.0 YOU HAVE TO CHANGE CODE IN EDB.CPP (THE LIBRARY): #include „WProgram.h“ has to be changed to #include „Arduino.h“.
#include "Arduino.h" #include <EDB.h> #include <SD.h> File dbFile; #define TABLE_SIZE 512 #define RECORDS_TO_CREATE 10 struct LogEvent { int id; int temperature; } logEvent; void writer(unsigned long address, byte data) {; dbFile.write(data); dbFile.flush(); } byte reader(unsigned long address) {; return; } EDB db(&writer, &reader); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Initializing SD card..."); pinMode(10, OUTPUT); if (!SD.begin()) { Serial.println("initialization failed!"); return; } Serial.println("initialization done."); Serial.println("Opening example.db ..."); dbFile ="example.db", FILE_WRITE); db.create(0, TABLE_SIZE, sizeof(logEvent)); Serial.print("Record Count: "); Serial.println(db.count()); Serial.println("Creating Records..."); int recno; for (recno = 1; recno <= RECORDS_TO_CREATE; recno++) { = recno; logEvent.temperature = recno * 2; db.appendRec(EDB_REC logEvent); } Serial.print("Record Count: "); Serial.println(db.count()); for (recno = 1; recno < RECORDS_TO_CREATE; recno++) { db.readRec(recno, EDB_REC logEvent); Serial.print("ID: "); Serial.println(; Serial.print("Temp: "); Serial.println(logEvent.temperature); } } void loop() { }